How are all of you?! I could not be better! It is the final day of the semester here in D.C. and I am coming to you all live from presentation headquarters at the Paul Greenburg House. I am scheduled for the 11:00 AM presentation, so I figured I could squeeze in a little blogging before I crash (because that will definitely be happening once the caffeine wears off. Just wait 'till y'all hear how early I got up!). But I am getting ahead of myself...
The past several days have consisted of a series of random events. Little sleep has been had despite my lack of work. Let me try to explain... have you ever experienced the phenomenon of having a deadline while simultaneously attempting to occupy your time with anything else?! Yes, well because my semester has been less than demanding, it seems that this is my new forte. I have kept up completely with my google reader, done all my laundry, packed a little, finished my Michael Pollen books, and built a fort with my friends.
Fast forward to this morning. I managed to capture a whole 4 (!!) hours of sleep because I stayed up until 2 AM working on my final project. I really hope we do not blow it. This project is the culmination of a semesters worth of work and I would really like to see it end on a positive note.
Anyways, the schedule for today has me sitting in a chair from 9AM-4PM watching my peer's presentations. I did not work out yesterday, so I really wanted to wake up this morning and squeeze it in.
...And guess what?! I actually did it! I woke up at 6AM, chugged a cup of coffee and got my butt to the gym. I completed a HIIT workout (High Intensity Interval Training) that consisted of:
Sets: 7
Sprint: 6.1-6.2
Rest: 5.1-5.2
Y'all. Seriously. This workout kicks my a$$. I stayed on the dredmill for a while after I finished my reps. I completed some serious powerwalking on an incline and a little jogging at an incline as well.
After cleaning my stanky self, I made a perfect post-workout breakfast. Equal parts veg, fat, protein, and carbs.
Breakfast: Spinach Egg Sandwich
- 2 eggs (1 whole, 1 egg whites)
- 2 huge handfuls of spinach
- 1 tsp olive oil
- 1 Laughing Cow wedge
- 3 slice tomato
- 2 pieces whole wheat bread
Super easy and super tasty: SauteƩ spinach in olive oil. Add eggs until cooked thoroughly. Toast bread, spread laughing cow wedge, layer tomatoes. Cut in half and enjoy. Bam! I'm like Emeril by 8 AM! :)
Okay, the next time you hear from me I will only have 1 semester left in college! Eek. How exhilarating!
Good luck with your presentation honey! I hope you rock it like you rocked that workout =)