Happy Monday to you all! Today is President's day, so big surprise, I had no work. I woke up determined to be productive. I started out with an unpictured green monster and a little granola on the side. My solid breakfast pushed me through a great workout. I ended up having the gym to myself (which is beyond rare) so I was able to break up my weight lifting sets with 10 minute cardio bursts. I was drenched and happy at the end. Unfortunately, my Iphone continued to malfunction throughout my workout, so post shower I made an appointment at the Apple store and headed off to Pentagon City mall with my roommate. I ate an unpictured carrot dipped in hummus before we ran out the door and a peppermint chocolate Luna bar on the metro. It was my first try with these bars, and I must say I am pretty impressed. My only complaint woulf be the lengthy ingredient list.
We arrived at the mall early to do some damage...but believe it or not I did not buy a thing! WTF?? I must subconsciously respect that my money situation is tight. Anyways, at the Apple store they issued me a brand new phone with no problems! What kind geniuses (I heart Steve Jobs)! I really hope this fixes my problems and that it is not a data issue. I won't know until the next workout though.
I uploaded all my stuff immediatly upon entering my apmt, so now everything is back to normal technology wise. I was actually so worried about it up until that point that I hardly thought about food. But the second it was fixed, my tummy pains got the better of me! Since I am trying to go without TJ's bill on my debit card for more than 7 days at a time, tonight's dinner was leftovers and frozen food. I used some frozen mix I purchased previously which had green beans, brocilli, peas, cauliflower, and some unknown veggie.
I then refilled said plate with a chopped up sweet potato that I roasted in the oven for 30 mins on 450.
After dinner I met up with my group and discussed a project we have to work on together throughout the semester. We chose to focus on the humanitarian crisis in Sudan and how it will (or won't) affect US national security issues. I think it will be very interesting. When I scooted my partners from my apmt, I was jonesing (that spelling is wayyy off) for a cup of relaxing tea and a sweet treat. Since I have done really well with my portions today, I did not want to screw up now. I fixed myself a cup o' chamomile tea
I am feeling much better after having a somewhat normal day, and now I am off to read all of your amazing blogs until I fall asleep. Tomorrow will be my first day of work after 10 (yes 10) days off! I hope they remember me in the office, I will probably be looked at like a stranger since it has been so long!
Bon Soir Mes Amies!
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