This weekend has been amazing. It hasn't been any one thing that has made it great, I just kind of feel like everything fell back into place. I went on a run on Friday, and on my way home I saw a sign in Adams Morgan for free yoga this weekend. I called the place when I got home and what do ya know? they were having an opening weekend offer. Heck yes. Free anything and I am there. I spent Friday night like a respectable lady and had a drink at the Irish bar across the street with a guy in my program who is quickly becoming one of my favorite people to talk too. Don't you just love conversations that make you feel like you have known a person forever? Meee too. A male perspective on things does not hurt either.
So Saturday morning my roommate Nicole and I went to the free power yoga class. It was beautiful. I have been relying on for my sessions lately and it was a very nice change to actually be in a studio. The place is gorgeous too! Its a huge room that holds over 100 people and it has carved ceiling and floor to ceiling windows to let in natural light. When I got back to the apartment, my baking spasm began. I made Flax and Oat Power Muffins from Angela's recipe page at
The rest of the afternoon was spent relaxing and getting career advice from a family friend. I gained A LOT of insight and I am really grateful he took the time to meet with me. I kind of fell of the wagon in terms of food in the afternoon, which I am not proud of, but after it happened I made sure I acknowledged my slip up and then decidedly moved on. I had a healthy salad for dinner before heading to the local Syracuse bar to watch my Orangemen beat down Villanova! It was a great game!!!
I went to bed early so that I could wake up this morning and attend another free yoga class!
After lunch I decided to play housewife, so I did my laundry, changed my sheets, and made my very first batch of protein bars! I tweaked Susan's recipe from They turned out really well (I think...)
Since I am apparently feeling like superwoman this weekend, I threw on my tennis shoes and completed one intense run! I went through Rock Creek for the first time since I moved here, and I have got to say, I loved it. I didn't realize how nice the paths were right by my apartment because they have been covered in snow for the past month :P.
It kind of felt like a breakthrough today, I can tell that I am now able to run for longer periods of time and faster without getting fatigued. I completed my run in 52 mins. I don't know exactly how far I went because I don't have a Garmin (although I want one!) but I estimate it was around 4 miles. If you are a reader that knows where I live, I ran from my apartment to the Watergate Hotel and back! I think I got a runners high at some point too because I just felt so great and even though I was tired, I just pushed through it mentally. By the time I got back to my area of town, I wanted to walk around the block to stretch out my legs. It was perfect timing for my friend from high school to call and catch up. I ended up walking around for another 35 mins just chatting! Yay for unintentional milage!
I just watched the U.S. lose to Canada in hockey which does not leave me with a very good taste in my mouth. But I can't go ruining a perfect weekend :)
I am also having dinner with a high-school friend tonight, so there is still so much to look forward too! I hope you all had as great of a weekend as I did!
What was the best part of your weekend?
So Jenn if (and when!) you come up to Syracuse, you gonna bring those muffins with you???